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The secret to self-care

Finding the time for self-care is a common theme I have coming up with clients.  First of all,  I’m so proud of people identifying the need for self-care in the first place.  I think once you understand the importance of it, you just know that you need more of it in...

Everybody has a story – the FROG lady.

I love learning about the heart-centred businesses in the community and why these people do what they do.  I also love the fact that everybody has a story. Continuing on with my Everyday Legend series is the beautiful Celine, AKA The Frog Lady. I chatted to Celine...

Everybody has a story – Sassy Sarah.

  I just love learning about people - the paths they’ve travelled and the choices they’ve made.  I’m also very blessed to enjoy the services of some beautiful heart-centred businesses. So, putting the two together, I’m really interested to learn why these people do...

Feeling stuck? 5 tips to get moving again.

We’ve all been there.   Feeling like you’re at the fork in the road and not knowing which way to turn.  You know you need to make a decision, but you just feel, well, stuck. Perhaps you need to plan or organise or create something and you just don’t know where to...

When passion trumps fear – why I do what I do.

We are living in a time that many of us ‘of a certain age’ are suffering from burnout, our millennials are experiencing extreme anxiety and our kids are committing suicide at younger ages and in increasing numbers.  I think it’s safe to say that we are at crisis point...
Stress Quiz

Stress Quiz

Is chronic stress affecting you? Stress is a natural and positive part of life. In fact, the good stress is called ‘eustress’ and is what helps you meet deadlines, perform at your best and keep you alive. However, these stresses are meant to be very short-term - just...

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DV and a community in pain.

DV and a community in pain.

In the time it took me to reverse out of my garage this morning, I was confronted with the news of the deaths of two Australian women as a result of domestic violence. I was so shocked and saddened and shed more than a tear or two.  You see, in less than 30 seconds, I...

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Burnout’s a bitch!

Burnout’s a bitch!

Hindsight Hindsight is a marvellous thing, isn’t it?  When I look back to when I experienced a major burnout, the signs are so obvious….now.  Back then however, I just kept believing that “I’ll be right”, “I can handle it” and my all-time favourite, “OK I’ve got a few...

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