| Coaching, Happy, Parenting, Positive Psychology, Stress
There is a group of unsung heroes amongst us that I feel called to salute…. Here’s to you, working and/or studying sole parents. There’s busy parents and there’s busy, working parents and then there’s busy, working, sole parents – and that’s just a whole new...
| Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Stress
Self-compassion isn’t all just about being kinder and gentler to yourself. Sometimes, it’s about facing your fears and rising up and standing up and being true to yourself. You see, there are two equal and opposing elements of self-compassion and each part is...
| Anxiety, Stress, Trauma
…but after reading that six Australian women have been murdered this week, and after seeing so many brave women tell their story around the world, I figure it’s time. Abusive relationships don’t start out being abusive – otherwise there wouldn’t be any! ...
| Happy, Positive Psychology, Stress
It seems we’ve always had a fascination with living forever. Folklore abounds with tales of finding the fountain of youth and other anti-aging secrets. Here’s one that has actually been scientifically proven. Telomeres. Did you know that you are absolutely riddled...
| Anxiety, Depression, Happy, Positive Psychology, Stress
Feeling grateful is such a quick and easy path to feeling good. Gratitude slams stress, axes anxiety and destroys depression every single time. Science shows that grateful people are happy people and actually live longer. In fact, according to UC Berkeley, grateful...